10mins with Bo-on-the-Go
She juggles more hats than she can count. Always on the run, Bo Burns is her energetic, driven and passionate self even if she is a little out of breath as she chats with FARIDA MASTER whilst on her evening run.
Bo Burns
Different roles you play…
I wear a few hats, my mother and wife hat, business owner hat of Fundraise Factory, Promo Factory and Cleave House, Howick Local Board Member hat, community events hat running the Howick Santa Parade, business networking hat, running Howick Click business owners forum, and finally my leisure friend hat where I get to exercise and see friends. (I seem to have a big wardrobe for all my hats).
The role you love most…
Being a mum and wife is my first and foremost love – creating magical memories and raising confident, logical and down-to- earth girls, but over and above that I love being a business owner.
Brendan, Lucy, Charlie and Bo.
However, the key to my heart is helping people, whether it’s in the community or helping locals grow or start-up businesses, that’s what really floats my boat – sometimes it’s been to the detriment of my own goals and business but it’s engrained in my bloodline to help others. I love that. You can’t help being born an entreprenual community-minded person!
Crazy about…
Promoting East Auckland and Howick as a destination to visit, live, work and play!
I’m a big fan of…
Treating others how you like to be treated, and also mind over matter. I set my mind to something and strive to achieve it!
Strategy for maintaining sanity whilst working from home…
Teamwork, communication and family exercise! We found what worked best for our family was sticking to a strict routine and having separate areas for us to work from. The very first lockdown was challenging, but we had to stop, take a breath and get back into a routine. Then from there on we just reverted each time into that plan and it worked well. I am extremely proud of how my daughters coped and maintained their school work, full credit to them both.
Things I did differently during lockdown to make my business work…
We had to pivot hard and fast to PPE gear initially, this enabled us to keep the team of nine employed the last two years, even though it’s not our core business, it was about staying afloat and looking for any and every opportunity.
What came from this drive were contacts, thousands of new businesses all over New Zealand that our team are now working towards building strong relationships with. I’m incredibly proud of my team, and how they coped. I also have loved moving to connecting with people on Teams/Zoom/Skype. I find it saves a lot of time not having to drive in Auckland traffic to meetings.
Advice to my 10-year-old-self…
You don’t have to please everyone, you can say ‘No’ once in a while. It’s okay to focus on just you every now and then, it’s good for you. When you meet those people in your college years that tell you won’t amount to be anything, don’t sweat it baby girl, you got this – the world’s your oyster and you can do anything you set your mind to! One day they will need you, that’s when your internal self can sit back and smile.
Feel strongly about…
Sharing knowledge, helping businesses grow and connecting people, also a big one for me is keeping a positive mindset
Pet peeve…
Firstly, bad customer service drives me crazy. Secondly, people not answering or replying to emails. Thirdly, people constantly saying ‘I’m too busy’ – you are never too busy to grow yourself or business. Oh wait, maybe I have a fourth … people chewing loudly really grinds my gears!
A sure-fire way to get my mojo back… I love re-zapping my energy with Debbie Buddle’s juices, they get the energy flowing and then joining the Energize team in Wellington street for Bootcamp, if that can’t get your mind reset and blood pumping, nothing can!
Had a ball…
As I take things quite literally, this would mean last night, playing netball with my daughter in the driveway! If this means ‘having a ball’ – this would be with my husband and friends who we surprised two years ago with our renewing of vows on our 10-year-wedding anniversary in Palm Beach/Waiheke.
My bucket list…
To record a song, retrain myself to play the piano, to meet Oprah, to travel for 12 months with no work and to travel overseas to weird and wonderful places again with my amazing mum and family.
Song that sums me up… ‘Rainbow Connections’ by Kermit Frog. For me it’s about looking for that bright side of life, that rainbow after the dark cloudy times and remembering to connect with people. Maybe this will be the song that I record for my bucket list in honour of my sister who passed away four years ago on March 22. This was also her favourite song.
Best day of my life…
There are honestly too many great days in my life. I think the ‘the best day of my life’ recently, was the day my mother didn’t die in hospital. The relief and gratefulness that refilled my heart of how amazing, kind, passionate and driven she is was overwhelming.
Pip and Bo.
That has to be the highlight of the last few months and best day to remember her getting through that. She is outright my best friend on earth.
Three top fundraising tips…
Fast Profit: fundraise smarter, not harder. Everyone is time poor now and needs fast, easy and profitable solutions.
Never Forget: to contact your local MPS, councillors, board members, real estate agents and business owners/retailers to support, promote and onsell your products Sponsorships: always look for a local sponsor, it offers the sponsor excellent exposure, and on the flip side you make more profit for your fundraising campaign.
If you want free tools for your next fundraiser check out www.fundraisefactory.com
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